Personal(i.e my mini projects)

Name: Parcel Tracker

Purpose: This mini projects is used to demonstrate the use of HTML form and Submit button.

How To Use: Simply enter the tracking number for the parcel and click the button. It will open the courier official website and show the result. Try it!

Name:Google Search Cloned

Purpose: This mini project is used to demonstrate the use of HTML form and Submit button. What interesting about this is that the Google logo that was displayed was actually constructed/written using actual Fonts and not image.

How To Use: It works just like actual Google Search. Simply enter your keyword and click Enter or any buttons. It will send the keyword to Google Search and displayed the result in actual Google site. Try it!

Name: My First Digital Clock

Purpose: This mini projects used to demonstrate how to use date method and setTimeOut function.

How To Use: Click the image and see the clock. Try it!

Frontendmentor UI Challenge (i.e practice front-end development(HTML,CSS and JS))

Name: 3-column preview card component

Purpose: To practice responsive design using CSS flexbox. This is UI challenge from

How To Use: Open it and try resize your window. It will change from row layout to column layout.

Name:Google Search Cloned

Purpose: This mini project is used to demonstrate the use of HTML form and Submit button. What interesting about this is that the Google logo that was displayed was actually constructed/written using actual Fonts and not image.

How To Use: It works just like actual Google Search. Simply enter your keyword and click Enter or any buttons. It will send the keyword to Google Search and displayed the result in actual Google site. Try it!

Bootcamp Exercise (i.e practice exercise from Web Development Bootcamp Course)

Name: Button Hover Effect

Purpose: To practice the use of some CSS properties like border, background, color, padding, margin, transition, transform, box-shadow and many more.

How To Use: Open it and hover the button to see the effects. Try it!

Name: Responsive Photo Grid Exercise

Purpose: Using CSS properties to resize those photos according to screen size

How To Use: Open it and resize your window. Notice that the image size changed accordingly.

Name: Pricing Panel Project

Purpose: To practice CSS flexbox concept.

How To Use: Open it and resize your window. The layout will change according your screen size.